We are excited to announce the completion of our first six-month career focused Buddy Programme. Connecting 30 of our graduating students with volunteer young professionals, helping them transition from university into the workplace.
By enabling mentees to develop core skills from each workshop attended, it will build their confidence and knowledge on how to positively approach finding a job in a competitive market.
30 graduating students divided into seven Buddy Groups by territory and partner charity
Each Buddy Group has a Buddy Leader and a nominated mentee ‘captain’ representing their group
The six-month Buddy Programme includes one monthly workshop hosted by a volunteer speaker from each of the disciplines
Buddy Groups provided with a communication platform for homework and discussion around the workshops
Mentor and Buddy Leader alignment is essential to support the mentees in the buddy groups
Encourages peer to peer support, collaboration and sharing of best practice and experiences by learning from each other along this programme
By enabling mentees to develop core skills from each workshop attended, it will build their confidence and knowledge on how to positively approach finding a job in a competitive market.
LinkedIn - how to link in?
Workshop Leader: Charity Freebairn
LinkedIn Sales Solutions
Large Enterprise Relationship ManagerJANUARY 2021
Your CV
Workshop Leaders:
Gianni Dibiase & Vanessa KyteFEBRUARY 2021
Keep your flow and build resilience
Workshop Leader: Ayeshna Hirani
MARCH 2021 -
Passion & Authenticity
The Interview: Techniques
Workshop Leader: Vanessa Kyte
MAY 2021 -
Toastmasters: you have one minute
Feedback session
Workshop Leader: Vanessa Kyte
JULY 2021
“Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills
so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the
sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people.”