Christmas 2024
On behalf of all the trustees at the Madrinha Trust, wishing you all a very Happy Christmas.
Will, Amrit, Jania, Sui Chin, Ellie and Casmir and our treasurer Andrew.
Christmas Party : Mon 2 Dec 2024 @ The May Fair Hotel, London W1
Madrinha Trust enjoyed a great Christmas event on 2 December at the May Fair Hotel, we had the pleasure of having many of our mentors and partner charity representatives attend, with Jania Geoghegan our founder, hosting a wonderful fireside style Q&A with Muvirimi “Mu” Kupara.

Mu has been a Madrinha mentor and future think tank advisor for a while and runs his own entrepreneurial initiatives out of his offices in Oxford as the founder of Auzano Capital SA for the last 8 years. His Zimbabwean and South African journey resonates well with our scholars and mentors and we were enthralled by his story telling (see video).
Our trustee, Dr Casmir Chanda was next up with a wonderful account of her recent trip to Ghana where she hosted a meet up with our alumni and new scholars including our new charity representative from EDP Trust (Ghana) Baba Ali (see video).
We also had the pleasure of Khaled Dawas, Chair of FQMS soon to be The Hanoon Foundation with us to highlight the situation in Gaza and Palestine and the day to day difficulties of life as a medic out there right now.
It was wonderful to also have Her Excellency Ms Macenje Mazoka, High Commissioner for the Republic of Zambia as our very special guest.
Thanking Amrit Singh (trustee) and her amazing team at the May Fair hotel for their kind generosity and wonderful evening.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
May we hope for peace for all in 2025.
We have pleasure in presenting the 2024 Annual Report from the Madrinha Trust which we hope reflects the full breadth of all our activities and the achievements of our mentees and graduates and alumni too. We want to particularly thank all our partner charities who make all this work possible.
You can download a copy by clicking the link above.
text here…
Finally … SA trip 5 - 17 Dec 2024
S-J our COO, organised a 14 day whistle stop tour of SA for 2 of our founding trustees, Sui Chin McKeand and Ellie Patsalos plus her niece Chrissy Vassiiou, mentor and part of the EMC (Education Mentoring and Career team) to meet up with all our partner charities and as many scholars and alumni that could make it.
Starting in Johannesburg, EduFun, Diepsloot visit - thank you to Jenny and Jeanne, Betty and Alison for a wonderful meet up at the school and the most incredible welcome !
Meet the new tutors at EduFun School
Ellie and Ben the librarian from EduFun in the EduFun Library.
A highlight was Ellie giving a copy of her autobiography to Ben who runs the EduFun library and is a qualified librarian.
Vanessa & Ellie at Vanessa’s Graduation Day 07 Dec 2024
Another special reason to be in JHB was for Ellie, Vanessa’s mentor to attend her graduation as qualified doctor. A promise made and kept by Ellie. We were all delighted to be part of her special day.
We then travelled to Kruger Park , KZN to meet the KHULA team, fellows and scholars and finally to Cape Town to meet up with TTN SA, MAD LF and Joseph from Deloitte.
We have selected a few of the favourite photos here….

We are extremely thankful to everyone who made this South African trip one to remember.
Special thanks to Jenny and Jeanne (EduFun), Laurence, Alison and Phum (Kruger Park Science Faculty), Debbie, Nosi, Slindo & Nothile (KHULA), Doug Rattray, Stewy and amazing Grace and all the team at Fugitive’s Drift Lodge, David & Emillie (Teach the Nation SA), Joseph (Deloitte), Renee & Bianca (MAD LF) and all the scholars, alumni and fellows who made the meet ups.