Summer 2020
The Madrinha Trust Website GOES LIVE
We are over the moon to be presenting our new website. In essence this is our new corporate calling card aimed at businesses and organisations with the potential to assist our Madrinha Trust mentees and graduates into meaningful careers. Now more than ever we are fully engaged in our graduates’ future employment Also, we are always happy to meet new mentors and demonstrate to them the life changing benefits of becoming part of the Madrinha Trust family; benefits to both mentee and mentor as they gain insight into each other’s worlds.
We hope you enjoy exploring and navigating your way through our new narrative.
Madrinha Trust Film GOES LIVE
Please click on the link, sit back and enjoy.
We are especially excited by this new format and we will publish up-dates every July and Dec. If you would like to send news items then please WhatsApp “Madrinha Newsletter” or email "”. We will also be asking Mentees to put together mini-blogs for us to post throughout the year on our new website. These blogs will be curated with the help of your mentors and two will be chosen each quarter by the Career Build Team.
We can upload videos and photos and make everything come alive.
This month a link from Alix Robertson (Mentor) on our Mentors’ WhatsApp Group really struck us all with its poignant message enjoy the video.
MAD / Madrinha Trust first ever Zoom call Sat 27 June 2020
In attendance:
- ALL associated Mentors and ALL MAD Mentees + Jania our Founder and Helette MAD’s CEO, Caroline (Trustee) and Helen (MAD Manager) as leads, with Ellie (Trustee/ Head of Career Build Team ) and Sui Chin (Trustee/ Head of Education & Mentoring Committee) also in attendance as well as S-J running the logistics in the background.
WHAT A TRIUMPH, to have ALL of us there on screen for the Zoom call was a magical moment, and summed up all that is good and wonderful about MAD Leadership Foundation and the Madrinha Trust. Our mentors commitment to their mentees was palpable and the mentees could finally see all the work that goes into elevating their opportunities for a better future. It was truly inspiring to hear all the mentees sharing views and asking very pertinent questions about their future, BLM movement and general life.
Jania Quote : Use the MAD / Madrinha infrastructure to enable you to succeed and let that platform enable your voice to be heard !
Thea especially enjoyed Jania’s comments about the "ongoing relationship and importance is being a godmother and also had tingles when she said “You are the future leaders of South Africa” which really resonated in line with the Edison clip too and the bar that we should be setting for our mentees!
Stand out quotes from the call:
"A word that I would like to put out to the mentors is, don't be afraid to be intentional about what you would like to impart to us before we take on the world”
“When you learn, teach. When you get, give”.
"Knowledge is where my power and liberation lies. Once I have it - no one and nothing can take it away from me.”
(Mentor) quotes kindly supplied by Thea :
“Mentoring is a two-way street and I have as much to learn from my mentee as she has from me”
“I’m truly humbled to be part of an inspirational group of people, committed and united by this remarkable goal”
“Becoming a mentor is my small way of paying it forward in the belief that together we can create a better future for all”
Edu Fun and Madrinha Trust call was a huge success and we are very grateful to Jenny, Jeanne and Sue who enabled the technology so we could hear our mentees !
The standout conversation really was leading everyone to read, read, read.
“Books give you the ability to dream NEVER stop reading” - Ellie Patsalos (Trustee)
“Be the BEST person you can be” - Jania Geoghegan(Founder)
“Just at the moment when you are going to give up - DON’T - this is the moment you are about to succeed!” = Jania to source
Edu Fun & Madrinha Trust Mentors & Mentees enjoying their Zoom Call 16 July 2020
KHULA & Madrinha Trust engaging together on Zoom … despite audio malfunction
Boitshepo (EduFun)
Boitshepo is one of the top 15% Students at WITS University, Johannesburg studying for a degree in Education who the Golden Key International Honour Society has invited to become a Golden Key Member. She will be eligible for further funding and scholarships. A fantastic achievement.
Collins (Kenya Kesho)
I'm glad to say that I'm doing well and staying safe from the dreaded covid-19 as it's fangs continue to bite globally.
In a quest to help make a change, and most importantly save lives, I'm not assuming the role of a fan by watching from the side given my medical knowledge.
Therefore I'm stationed at a covid-19 call center in Kisumu county. it's a partnership between Kisumu county government and Maseno university school of medicine. We were thus called upon to help.
Here we coordinate covid-19 activities by receiving calls from the public about their symptoms and referring them to the nearest hospital and if severe call them an ambulance. we also do contact tracing by speaking via phone with the residents of the county about the recent contacts. In addition we also give medical assistance and advice on any concerns by the public.
We do an 8 hrs shift as we rotate between daytime and night hours. I'm really happy that my knowledge is making a difference though small, but impact people's lives in a positive way. We really do a lot here that I can't spell it all out, hence I've just written the overview.
I'm really glad to Kenya Kesho and Madrina trust for their enormous contribution into modelling me to whom I am today. Always grateful!
Regards, Collins